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podcast - pega aquí o que vas escoitando
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Foreiro Senior
Foreiro Senior
0 Carreiras
426 Mensaxes
Respostar citando Envío Sáb, 31 Out 2020, 5:18
Asunto: Re: podcast - pega aquí o que vas escoitando

EP 494 Kim Strom: Running For Life

We all have multiple identities – Mom, brother, friend, scientist, comedian, bowler, runner, writer, etc. Some of these identities come by choice, by chance or forced upon us. They may change over time too. We are the sum of these identities. They help us learn and grow. We should celebrate them in our own lives and within those around us. One of the best parts of trail running is to learn about the identities of others on a run.

In this episode we talk to Kim Strom. We learn about some of her identities:

Running model (appearing on the cover of Trail Runner Magazine more than any other person)
A Photographer
A Writer
A Trail Runner
Her newest identity – cancer patient

Est.2008 - Libros "Run&Endurance"

Foreiro Senior
Foreiro Senior
0 Carreiras
426 Mensaxes
Respostar citando Envío Dom, 21 Feb 2021, 9:06
Asunto: Re: podcast - pega aquí o que vas escoitando

Aprendendo moito, desde un punto de vista humano, nesta conversa [eng]

How do you adapt to the changes the body goes through during and after pregnancy? We talk with three mothers: Sally McRae, Anna Frost, and Stephanie Howe about their expectations and experiences.

Tamén falan de particularidades para mulleres que corren e como esto afectou/afecta ao xeito en que corren e tamén como cambiou (ou non) a súa perspectiva ao respecto

Est.2008 - Libros "Run&Endurance"

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