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THE LONG RUN – Running Long, but how long? [ENG]
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Asunto: THE LONG RUN – Running Long, but how long? [ENG]

Interesante tema o de este artigo, e moi instructivo.

Tirada longa - Correr lonxe, pero cómo de lonxe?

As fotos... COMO SEMPRE Aplauso

por Ian Corless.

Ask yourself, what your objectives are? For example, there is a difference between competing and completing?

Why do we run long?

In summary, we put an emphasis on 3 key points:

Mental Strength
Muscular and physical adaptation
Efficiency to use fat as a fuel

Be specific with terrain. No point for training for a 50-mile trail race with loads of vertical and technical trail and then run all sessions on the road.

Runners get stressed and worried by mileage, pace, miles per minute and so on. Relax. Think of your long run in terms of time, not distance. Particularly important if running off-road.

Slow down!

-- Chámame "ghose"

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